Summary of Tuas Nexus - Singapore's First Integrated Water and Solid Waste Treatment Facility Begins Construction (Draft #4)

In the news release, “Tuas Nexus – Singapore’s First Integrated Water and Solid Waste Treatment Facility Begins Construction” from the Public Utilities Board’s (PUB) websites (2020), PUB states that the incorporation of both Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (Tuas WRP) and Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) are beneficial to Singapore’s sustainable development such as carbon and land savings. PUB mentions that Tuas WRP is designed to treat used industrial water using advanced technology, unlike current water treatment plants. The objective is to increase energy efficiency while utilizing less space. In the news release, the National Environment Agency (NEA) notes that the IWMF is equipped with leading solid waste treatment technologies to achieve a higher food waste recycling rate (National Environment Agency, 2020). Since the facility treats waste matters from Tuas WRP, there is an increased synergy between both facilities. The by-product generated at IWMF is co-digested with the used water sludge to increase the production of biogas at Tuas WRP. In return, the heat energy generated by the combustion of the biogas at the IWMF increases electrical capacity to sustain the operations of Tuas Nexus.

It is important to look at things from a bigger perspective by focusing on the long-term goals with respect to cost-savings that we can benefit from in the long run. 

Primarily, PUB should have provided more information about the cost-effectiveness of building Tuas Nexus. With the implications of utilising the nation’s taxpayer’s money, cost becomes an important consideration in building this mega-infrastructure. According to “National stadium must not become a white elephant” (AsiaOne, 2015), a huge investment of $1.33 billion was pumped into Singapore’s National Stadium, The Sports Hub. It is known for hosting big-name events like South-east Asian Swimming Championships, Southeast Asia Games and even National Day Parade 2016. Readers may argue that a large sum of money could be better spent on other areas that contribute to Singapore’s growth. Hughes (2020) states that the IWMF will help Singapore achieve long-term environmental sustainability goals by improving resource and energy recovery from waste. This article argues in favour of having the importance on investing in mega projects like Tuas Nexus in order to contribute to Singapore. The money invested in Tuas Nexus will outweigh the cons in the years to come.

 Another reason why PUB might not have felt the need to address the details of the cost is to validate the government’s actions with regards to Tuas Nexus. PUB has won several international and local recognition over the years since 2001. According to PUB’s Tuas Desalination Plant (TDP) named Desalination Plant of the Year (Public Utilities Board, 2019). TDP was named Desalination Plant of the Year at the 2019 Global Water Awards. This source clearly established PUB’s capability with respect to the well-being of the environment. The author should have included PUB’s achievements to reassure the public that the government is channelling the funds effectively for the benefits of its citizens.

 In addition to the cost-effectiveness of investing in Tuas Nexus, PUB failed to emphasise how cost-saving Tuas Nexus is in the long run. PUB explained that more than $1 billion worth of construction tenders would only be awarded by the end of 2021. The lack of information in the article is insufficient to convince readers whether Tuas Nexus is indeed “cost-saving”. Boh (2016) asserts that the cost savings are in the range of a couple of $100 million, based on preliminary students, said Mr Yong, director of the Deep Tunnel Sewerage Phase 2 at PUB. Cost figures like this should be included in the article to allow the audience to have a rough idea of the comparison between these two cost-efficient and sustainable solutions conceived by PUB. This will build the reader’s confidence in the government’s decision in taking on a large scale project.

While a substantial investment is required in the construction of the world’s first integrated waste and water treatment facility, Tuas Nexus can create a more sustainable future for the Singapore’s water supply. With the increasing water demand, the author should have addressed the long term economic benefits that Tuas Nexus provides for Singaporeans.




AsiaOne, (2015, December 17). National Stadium must not be a white elephant.



Boh, S. (2016, July 11). Billion-dollar facilities in Tuas to treat 40 per cent of S’pore’s waste by 2027. The Straits Times.

Public Utilities Board. (2020, Sep 8). Tuas Nexus, Singapore's first integrated water and solid waste treatment facility begin construction. PUB.


Public Utilities Board. (2019, Apr 10). PUB’s Tuas Desalination Plant named Desalination Plant of the Year. PUB.


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